(Now I know why Nathaniel voted against the budget proposal to install drainage! Here is a photo of the Big Yellow Truck stuck in the Big Muck Puddle. He quickly assessed the situation and realized there was still enough muck he could get his left boot stuck too. SLURRPPP!)
This season is quickly gaining momentum.
The market season is all planned. We are participating in two markets this year, the Lake Farmpark Farmer's Market and the Geauga Fresh Farmer's Market. I know we tried this last year.
But this year we have a different strategy. We will participate in one market at a time. We will be at the Lake market during the summer season focusing on sweet corn and other main season vegetables. Then we will be at the Geauga market during the fall season focusing on winter squash and storage vegetables.
It was a compromise that helps fill niches at both markets and preserves our quality of life. Our most important crop are our children.
Goodness the market stars lined up because I already designed the field rotation and planting strategy then ordered all the seeds! The indoor seeding / transplanting and outdoor direct seeding schedules are planned.
It all looks so easy on a computer screen. Its as easy as click! There you go. Big food.