Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week of July 11 2011 : Sweet

Here is a photo of a frog on tasseling sweet corn. I am still amazed at the little creatures that congregate around the micro ecosystems of the farm. Some are good, some are bad but interactions between the plants and creatures are complex and fascinating.

Experienced growers can understand soil profiles by monitoring weeds. Growers can also learn a lot by looking for clues offered by the bug populations. I understand how to interpret the various beetles and caterpillars but still not sure how to interpret frogs' presence. At least its evidence the fields are nasty-cide free.

The sweet corn is really growing well this year. Planting was late but emergence was nearly 100%. There is sufficient mid summer moisture to minimize plant stress and ensure good kernel set. The night time temperatures have been consistently over 70 degrees so the ears are maturing very quickly.

The first stand is past the silking phase; pollen shed is complete and the silks are browning. The second stand is beginning pollen shed. The remainder of the stands appear to be exactly one week behind each other. Looks like maturity schedule was perfectly planned. OK, I admit, luck has a little influence too.

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