Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week of August 22 2011 : Shoes or Canoes?

Here is a photo of a Vegetable Spaghetti Squash. Also in the photo is my Grand Mother's cleaver which is very useful to cut the squash and also useful for perspective. It is a large knife and the squash is even larger!

One of the side effects of having quality produce growing in the back yard is determining what to do with the harvest. When the harvest is large and exceeds our family's needs, the excess unquestionably goes to market. But what about the earliest of the early, the over achievers, that one fruit or vegetable that miraculously ripens before the rest of its kind? Eating the first of the season is a special thrill. But selling the first of the season is our goal, too.

Sometimes those are the beginnings of interesting household conversations which is to say tense negotiations.

After bringing this squash in from the fields, I headed towards the scale to measure it's weight and assess it's quality. Laura turned on the oven and reached for the cutting board and cleaver.

These negotiations were not tense. She had the cleaver so she won.

Actually the whole family won. She turned the squash into focal point of the most amazing dinner. It's one of the many reasons winter squash is really exciting (even if this is still summer).

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